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Physical Statistics

Facial -

Eye Hue| amber/golden irises
Pupil Shape| round
Effects| sunshine hues are soft and gentle. always observant and watchful
Sight| sight of the gods
Hair Hue| dark auburn brown/black
Texture| soft, thick, slight wave
Condition| Healthy
Length| just passed her shoulders
Style| either down with a few braids, or a crown of flowers for decoration

Face Shape| Heart Shaped

Lips| Soft, plump



Physique -

complexion|  light/fair

Ethnicity|  once half elven, currently goddess

Voice| gentle and motherly; rarely shouts

Frame|  petite and thin

height|  Five Feet, six inches

weight|  One Hundred and twenty pounds

Blood Type| blood of the gods

Natural Scent| spring time flowers and nature

body marks| tribal tattoos upon her wrists mark her birth life and healing abilities


Style -

Attire|  long and elaborate gowns are usually worn; color of a soft green, light gold, or pastel pink

Accessories| a bracelet which holds many different pendants atttached to it: a moon and sun pendant (from scarlett), a pewter peice wih the words 'love, dream, believe' on it (from Adrea), a diamond pendant marking her place in the old temple of light, a dove from the first creation of silem, the symbol of creation, a symbol of each temple and their connections in the form of a web (made by aednat)

a chain with her wedding ring on it (from Lucas)



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