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Blood is stronger than water.

William Hazsky (Deceased)

Airia Bliss (Deceased)

Kaedance Hazsky-Bliss (Deceased)

Ines Hazsky-Bliss (Deceased)

Sinead Hazsky-Bliss

Abigail Bliss-Hazsky

Sinead Hazsky-Bliss

Lucas Darling

Nilsia Etnad Darling*

*Nilsia's birth parents are unknown, though she was born from an act of conspiracy by another woman. Knowing she was a little different, Nilsia formed a blood bond between her and her \twin' making them tied together in the same way real twins would be.

Brice Darling

Alice Darling

Ash Darling

'Till death do we part.

All the Hazky-Bliss chidlren looked more like their father save for their colorful and vibrant eyes and the colorful highlights (In the right light, Sinead's hair either has purple, blue, or red single strands of hair) in their dark hair. They all had elven powers.

Nilsia is the only child in the family to have blonde hair and grey eyes. It is said she is opposite of her twin, Brice, who has dark brown hair and golden eyes. Alice's blood is part of Lucas' gyspy line, however she has her moher looks. Ash is the only child to look only like Lucas.

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